Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rhonda's back... the Bay Area to visit my good and dear friend. He is making progress slowly and is feeling down. Surgery does kick ones ass big time and he is unable to do the things he used to do for himself. I can relate!!!!!

Do cherish those who are close to you. I know that every time someone has an experience like this there blogs, Facecrack, texts etc. get flooded with these admonition a of the preciousness of life here on the planet in this plane, but, hey, learn from our experience, it'll make yours easier!
All is not dark and dreary however. In addition to getting to spend time with my buddy, there's SHOPPING!!!!!! Major League, Big Time pro shopping here!!!!! Outlet stores, malls, oh my...

Sorry, kinda drifted off there for a bit. Where was I ? Oh yeah, shopping. Lane Bryant for sure (Rhonda's a big girl), shoes, and, who knows????

Be well and be good to yourself.

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