Saturday, August 31, 2013


Too many politicians and others beating the drums for more war. War in which they will not serve. Nor will their sons and daughters War and more war seem to always win out with this congress, even if it means agreeing with the President.
So. Will the innocents (collateral damage...) killed in a retaliatory strike be less dead than the ones killed by chemicals? And is that a somehow morally better killing? There is not a bullet, bomb or missile yet made that can discriminate between a "good guy" or "bad guy".
If we are the best and most powerful nation on earth, then let us take a leadership position and just say no. NO strikes, no war, no conflict, no personnel, material or money for war.
War is easy, peace is hard but can be easy if we show the way.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

At the hospital

In pre op. Let the waiting begin....
 Play Jeopardy tune here.

Update: Squamous cell carcinoma, 6 more hours of surgery to take out the lymph nodes on that side.
More waiting...

Last update for today: 
He's out of surgery at 11:30 pm Wed and off to ICU. They took lots of yucky stuff out. Kept the nerve to the shoulder, had to take out a facial nerve so he may have Sylvester Stallone lip. Won't know about that until he wakes up. Scraped off tumor from around the carotid and jugular, took out a butt load of lymph nodes.
They're keeping him out and intubated tonight so he can get some rest. Likely to start chemo and radiation in about 3 weeks, after he has a chance to heal up some.
He'll be in the hospital 2-4 days depending on how well he recovers.
Long day for all of us. Going to bed now.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Off to the bay area

Rhonda's on the road again, but not for fun or business this time. Off to the Bay Area to be with my friend during his surgery tomorrow and to support his wife and family. Hoteling it as they have a house full of family, so may as well take a few things with me. There might not be time to dress up, but one never knows now, does one????

p.s. The new boobs are here. I'll post some comments as soon as I get a chance to try 'em out.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Well shit, he, uh, I mean she said....

Well now, had great plans for a great girly weekend last week as the wife was going to be out of town, and that only happens a couple times a year. I'm talkin' full on paint the toenails-make up-girl clothes-boobs n bras-dresses n heels Thurs-Fri-Sat and a Goddess play date on Sunday goooooood girly time!!!

So how was it? Well, the wife got some sort of nasty eye infection and was pretty sick so she stayed home and I took care of her. She's got it whipped and is all healed up now, but no Rhonda last weekend  :-((

This week? Well, my best friend in the whole world called to tell me he has two and possibly three forms of cancer. It's in his bone marrow, left side lymph nodes and tonsils, he goes in for surgery Wednesday.  I am devastated beyond words. We have been through a lot together over the years, and I cannot express how much he means to me.

I'll be traveling Tuesday to see him and be there Wednesday for his surgery. I'm trying to make the best of this, but it is difficult...

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mini Storage and the Crossdresser

Well, I have spoken about my mini storage, or at least mentioned it, in previous posts. I got the idea from a crossdresser forum, mebbe on Fet Life, but I'm not sure... Anyway, it has been a life saver!!! Not to mention a clothing and $$$$ saver ;-).

It occurred to me that some of you might be curious about the nuts and bolts of getting and maintaining a discrete off site storage area for your clothes. I will confess, purely for the purpose of full disclosure, that my wife and I have totally separate financial accounts. Separate checking, savings and credit card accounts. This makes having an off site storage much easier for me than perhaps it would be if we had combined accounts.
My storage unit is located in a separate facility, run by a different company that of our family storage unit, and is in my name only. I am fanatical about paying the bill on time so there will be no phone calls or letters about the account. Discretion is the better part of valor here. My unit is located inside the building. No accidental drive by looks when I'm there and keeps the rain and occasional snow out.

Originally I kept my things in duffel bags and luggage pieces, however, as I gained a larger wardrobe that became difficult to maintain and caused wrinkles in my clothes.  So the first thing I did was to buy a wardrobe moving box. Most mini storage places and all moving places have them. It's a cardboard box tall enough to put things on hangers in. They are a few $$ but worth it! So now I have a 'closet' to  hang tops, skirts and dresses. Now I could use a chest of drawers for the bras, panties, hose, garter belts, you get the idea. The search was on!

Armed with the storage unit inside dimensions, (very important) and a small tape measure, (also very important) I began to check out the used furniture and thrift stores and yard sales in the area. Since I wasn't in any big hurry, I could afford to look at a lot of stuff before I found what I wanted. I finally spotted the perfect piece in front of a local thrift store. It was well worn and somewhat ratty in appearance but had all the drawers, and they worked!!! It was cheap so I bought it on the spot and installed it in my storage unit. It is nice to have my things hung up properly or living in drawers rather than duffel bags. It is easier to select the thing I wish to take on my adventures and minimizes the sorting and re-packing I went through before.

Hope this helps.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Life is different...

...with boobs. I can see you GGs rolling your eyes, saying "No shit Sherlock", Or just laughing out loud.
Rhonda's doing some house repair and maintenance, a NEVER ending chore as you all know. So during these adventures, we're experimenting with various bras; the regular every day bras and a couple different sports bras, just to see how they feel and move while doing different types of work.
I can tell you, climbing ladders, patching drywall etc. is different with boobs. There is a different balance as there is more weight on my chest. They move more, or less, depending on the bra, and working around the boobs takes some getting used to!!!
Gotta get ready to run into town. More later....